Diving Into Your Values
Is anyone else goal driven? You set a goal… meet the goal and then think what’s my next goal? Can I challenge you to start to think about values-based actions, rather than goals? The goal line and the bar can always be moved, always feel like it’s something out of reach. But VALUES on the other hand, can’t be met. You can’t meet your values…. but you can live by them!
So when was the last time you asked yourself what your values are? Did you come up with a laundry list of all those amazing value words? If so… challenge number 2… dig deeper!
Clarify those top guiding values
Establish your own definitions of your values
Notice how those values show up in your life as actions
Also - notice those actions that give you a little twinge in the stomach, maybe where you are questioning the action, or the person asking you to do the action with or for them. This might be a spark of an action working against your values. So knowing what our values are and are not is important to help us move through daily routines, recognizing, and feeling aligned with our actions.
How to clarify values?
Ask yourself
What qualities do I want to bring into my life more?
What type of person do I want to be?
If I were to watch myself from afar without judgement, what would I see lighting me up?
Think about person close to you
What qualities does this person have that you love?
What makes you gravitate towards them?
What wisdom would you like for them to share with you?
These questions may bring up words and phrases that will start to cue you into the values that are meaningful to you.
Here’s a two part video on digging deeper into your values.